Friday, 31 July 2015

                                                           F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/Misc/2015
                                                           Mumbai, the 31st July, 2015
The Commissioner,
Service Tax-VII,


             Sub :- Shifting of office premises of HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate -reg.

            Please refer to the visit of the officers along with members of the Inspectors Association (AICEIA) in the month of March, 2015 to the various offices/premises in New Mumbai for finalization of the premises for HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate.
            In this connection, I have been called by Shri Vishal Malani, Dy. Commissioner, Anti Evasion, S. Tax-VII, on 31.07.2015, and informed that premises of Satra Plaza has been finalised for HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate. I was requested to put my signature in token of agreement for the said Note/approval of the premises.
          Though I signed the Report in token of seen the same, I immediately conducted the meeting of the Committee members in the matter.  
        In the meeting of the Association it was observed that that proposed office (Satra  Plaza) is very far from Vashi railway station (around 3 km) and the public transport/Sharing Auto is also not available in that area. Non-availability of public transportation and inconvenient approach road will cause trouble to the staff apart from the monetary burden.
        It was, therefore, unanimously decided by the Association Members that the said premises should not be approved as new premises.
        However, It is also decided that as the premises above Vashi Railway Station is more convenient for all the staff and having more Parking Space (for road users) the same be suggested for approval.

                                                                                            Yours sincerely,
                                                                                         (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                            General Secretary
                                                                                        AICEIA, Mumbai Circle
Copy to:-
1. The Additional Commissioner, Service Tax-VII
2. The Joint Commissioner, Central Excise and Service Tax, PCCO, Mumbai
3. Shri Vishal Malani, Dy. Commissioner, Anti Evasion, S. Tax-VII