Friday, 16 October 2015

F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/Misc/2015                                      Date: 8th October, 2015.

The Chief Commissioner,
Central Excise Zone-I & Service Tax Zone,

Respected Sir,

               Sub:-Improper utilisation of services of Inspector Cadre-reg.

               In the above matter your kind attention is invited on the sanction & working strength of Inspectors in Central Excise Zone-I is 740(SS) & 375(WS) and in Service Tax Zone is 690(SS) & 302(WS). Therefore, Inspectors are holding additional work to execute regular table work, time bond matters etc. in time which causes mental pressure and corresponding health problems. In spite of acute shortage of Inspectors, the two incidences are invited for your kind attention:-
1.       Please refer to the cited subject above. In this connection, it is brought to your kind notice that few commissioners are deploying inspectors for day-to-day protocol duty for receiving them from their place of residence till dropping them back. Whole day an Inspector is deputed for protocol duty of Commissioner. This is very unusual practice and the same was never followed in Mumbai. It is to submit further that the inspectors were used to provide protocol duty on special occasions in case of Dignitaries only as they may not be aware to map of city. Using of inspectors as protocol officer for day-to-day activities is not only a wastage of manpower but also a loss of Govt. revenue. The inspectors can instead be use for constructive work which may lead to generation of Govt. Revenue. 
Sir, it is very surprising that on the one hand Mumbai facing acute shortage of inspectors and on the other hand, the few Commissioners like Shri. S. K. Das, Commissioner, Service Tax-V and Shri. Yogendra Swaroop, Commissioner, LTU are showing feudal characteship by misusing Inspector as protocol officer which appears to represent colonial mentality and hindering the growth of the nation.

2.       It has also come to the notice of AICEIA, Mumbai in Air India Building (Service Tax-I & II), the inspectors are deputed for Tapal duty. As, inspectors are in Central Excise and Customs belongs to executive cadre, so, assigning tapal duty to Inspectors of Central Excise & Customs will de-motivating for the cadre will cause mental and social harassment.

               We, being a citizen of independent India, must ensure that the association shall protest in every possible way against every colonial practice and mentality in the organisation of CBEC. The Protocol duty and the Control Room Duty, which have been practising in every Commissionerate, are the remains of colonial mentality. The association is committed to the growth of its cadre, organisation and hence the nation. And, it is a strong belief of this Association that without eradication of colonial mentality in the organisation of CBEC, the cadre would not be to thrive and meet its true potential. So, the practice of protocol duty and the control room duty must be stopped.  It will be worth mentioning here that in reply of an RTI; the CBEC has informed that there are no statuary provisions for Control Room Duty (copy enclosed).

               Therefore, it is requested that kindly take a suitable step and stop this colonial and humiliating practice which has neither any statutory or legal basis nor has any relation to the revenue collection/generation. It is completely unproductive as well as wastage of Human Resource.

Hoping for best positive initiatives.

                                                                                            Yours faithfully,
                                                                                          (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                               General Secretary
                                                                                          AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Copy to:-
1.  Hon’ble Member of Service Tax.
2. The Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Zone-II.
3. The Additional/Joint Commissioner, Central Excise and Service Tax Zone, PCC Office, Mumbai.
4. President / Secretary General of AICEIA.

                                                                                            (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                                 General Secretary 
                                                                                           AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Monday, 10 August 2015

                                                                   F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/Misc/2015
                                                                   Mumbai, the 08thAugust, 2015

The Joint Commissioner of Customs (P),
R&I (Administration),
New Custom House,

            Sub:- Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) Meeting-reg.

          Please refer to your letter F. No. SD/INT/ADMN/I/61/2006-R&I dated 06.08.2015 on the above subject.
             In this connection, it is to inform you that a letter is given to the Additional Commissioner of Customs (P), M&P Wing, Mumbai under F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/TPP/2015 dated 05.06.2015 enumerating the below mentioned point and a reminder was also submitted on dated 07.07.2015. 
             It is submitted that the strength of M&P Wing had been reduced from 158 to 106 after CR and further the working strength was still reduced to 80. As such, the officers of M&P Wing are facing huge difficulties in performing regular duties and the additional work as mentioned below which can easily be done away with. As such the below mentioned points are converted to agenda points:-
1)      Control Room Duty:-There is shortage of Inspectors in M&P Wing (80 working strength). The day control room duty is conducted by the officers of different Sections sitting in Everest House. The staff strength of each section has been reduced from earlier strength and in majority of the sections there is only one inspector. The inspector on Day CRO duty, the sections work of the individual officer’s gets accumulated and they have to clear it on the following days. The work of day CRO officer is as below:-
a)      To attend the some phone calls regarding miscellaneous inquiry,
b)      handing over keys of vehicles,
c)       issuance of Arms, if required.
               It is to mention that with regards attending of phone calls can be handled even by a Hawaldar. The issuance of arms which is once or twice in a year (i.e. the statistic of last two to three years) can be handled by the section in-charge of arms and ammunition. As regards vehicles, the same can be handled by MTO/PRO Superintendent.  In view of the above, it  is only the wastage of man power by deputing Inspector as CRO in day time, whereas the hawaldar/Sepoy are enough for day control room duty and  in case of  any difficulty/emergency, P.R.O/M.T.O. can co-ordinate/manage the situation.
2)     Special NRP duty:- Special NRP duty is conducted by M&P Wing, Mumbai on even days of every month. We cover the area of jurisdiction of R&I Wing during Special Night Road Patrolling (NRP). This special NRP was allotted to M&P Wing as there was not enough staff in R&I Wing. Now the strength of M&P Wing has been further reduced to 80 (working strength). Therefore, it is requested that R&I Wing may be directed to conduct special NRP duty which are part of their duty.
3)   Special Holidays duty:-  In addition to Control Room duty, the officers i.e. Superintendents and Inspectors are also deputed for Special CRO duties on holidays. Both of them sit in control room for performing the duties. Both of them perform the duties as mentioned in point 1 (a) to 1 (c). it is to submit that if the officers are required in emergency on holidays, they can be called by contacting them on mobile phone. The contact no. of all the officers is available in office record. Therefore, it is requested to discontinue the special holiday duty.
4)    Working strength of Inspectors:-  At present, the working strength of inspector is 80. Inspectors are facing heavy work load. It is requested that working strength of inspector should be maintained as per sanction strength i.e. 106.  

                                                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                                                      (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                          General Secretary
                                                                                     AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Friday, 31 July 2015

                                                           F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/Misc/2015
                                                           Mumbai, the 31st July, 2015
The Commissioner,
Service Tax-VII,


             Sub :- Shifting of office premises of HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate -reg.

            Please refer to the visit of the officers along with members of the Inspectors Association (AICEIA) in the month of March, 2015 to the various offices/premises in New Mumbai for finalization of the premises for HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate.
            In this connection, I have been called by Shri Vishal Malani, Dy. Commissioner, Anti Evasion, S. Tax-VII, on 31.07.2015, and informed that premises of Satra Plaza has been finalised for HQ. of Service Tax-VII Commissionerate. I was requested to put my signature in token of agreement for the said Note/approval of the premises.
          Though I signed the Report in token of seen the same, I immediately conducted the meeting of the Committee members in the matter.  
        In the meeting of the Association it was observed that that proposed office (Satra  Plaza) is very far from Vashi railway station (around 3 km) and the public transport/Sharing Auto is also not available in that area. Non-availability of public transportation and inconvenient approach road will cause trouble to the staff apart from the monetary burden.
        It was, therefore, unanimously decided by the Association Members that the said premises should not be approved as new premises.
        However, It is also decided that as the premises above Vashi Railway Station is more convenient for all the staff and having more Parking Space (for road users) the same be suggested for approval.

                                                                                            Yours sincerely,
                                                                                         (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                            General Secretary
                                                                                        AICEIA, Mumbai Circle
Copy to:-
1. The Additional Commissioner, Service Tax-VII
2. The Joint Commissioner, Central Excise and Service Tax, PCCO, Mumbai
3. Shri Vishal Malani, Dy. Commissioner, Anti Evasion, S. Tax-VII

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

CESA Mumbai has invited to all members in the following function. All are requested to attend the function.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

                                                                                     F. No. AICEIA/Mumbai/TPP/2014
                                                                                     Mumbai, the 05th June, 2015

The Additional Commissioner,
Marine & Preventive Wing,

             Sub:- Grievances of officers of M&P Wing, Mumbai-reg.

             With reference to the above subject. It is submitted that the strength of M&P Wing had been reduced from 158 to 106 after CR and further the working strength was still reduced to 87, the officers of M&P Wing are facing huge difficulties which are as mentioned below:-

  1. Control Room Duty:-There is shortage of Inspectors in M&P Wing (87 working strength). The day control room duty is conducted by the officers of different Sections sitting in Everest House. The staff strength of each section has been reduced from earlier strength and in majority of the sections there is only one inspector. On deputing Day CRO duty, the individual officer’s table work got accumulated and they have to clear it on the following days.  The work of day CRO officer is only to attend the some phone calls regarding miscellaneous enquiry, handing over keys of vehicles, issuance of Arms, if required. Whereas the above work can be complied by a Hawaldar and the arms matter can be handled by the section in-charge of arms and ammunition. As regards vehicles, the same can be handled by MTO/PRO Supdt. In view of the above, it  is only the wastage of man power by deputing Inspector as CRO in day time, whereas the hawaldar/Sepoy are enough for day control room duty and  in case of  any difficulty/emergency, P.R.O/M.T.O. can co-ordinate/manage the situation. There is also precedence in Hyderabad Central Excise Commissionerate, where recently, Control Room duty for inspector has been spared by the Administration (copy enclosed).
  2. Special NRP duty:- Special NRP duty is conducted by M&P wing, Mumbai on even days every month. We cover the area of jurisdiction of R&I unit during Special Night Road Patrolling (NRP). This special NRP was allotted to M&P Wing as there was not enough staff in R&I Wing. Now the strength of M&P Wing has got reduced to 87 (working strength). Therefore, It is requested that R&I Wing may be directed to conduct special NRP duty which are part of their duty.
  3. Special Holidays duty:-  In addition to Control Room duty, officers are also deputed for Special holidays duty. Both of them sit in control room for performing their duties. Both of them have same kind of work. If officers are required in emergency on holidays, they can be called on contacting them on mobile phone. The contact no. of all the officers is available in office record. Therefore, it is requested to discontinue the allotment of special holiday duty.
  4. Documents required for calculation of Pay Arrears:- There is a practice in accounts section of M&P Wing, Mumbai that they require drawn statement of previous years from the previous offices. Service book is an authentic record. Whatever entered in service book is suppose to be correct. Any information called for an officer, we generally rely on the information recorded in the service book. But in the case of calculation of pay arrears why the Accounts section are not relying on the service book. However, for calculation of pay arrears, only basic pay is required which is recorded in the service book per year (annual increment). The rate of DA and HRA is available in office records. In view of the above, it is requested to give the necessary direction to accounts section. 
                                                                                                      Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                  (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                                     General Secretary
                                                                                                 AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Friday, 1 May 2015

Ref.:- AICEIA/GBM/2015                                                                   Date:    29th   April, 2015.


         As scheduled a general body meeting was chaired by General Secretary on 17.04.2015 and the same was attended by Shri. Anupam Neeraj, President; Shri. Abhishek Kamal, Secretary General; Shri. Rajesh Kumar, Organising Secretary and Shri. Manish Verma, Treasurer of AICEIA and office bearers of AICEIA, Mumbai Circle at NACEN, Bhandup, Mumbai. During the meetings, All India office bearers also appraised the gathering, the latest developments and follow up taken by them on 35 point resolution of Central Executive Committee meeting, Kolkata held on 13th and 14th February, 2015.
         The minutes of the General Body Meeting are as under:-
  1. Delay in conducting DPC for promotion to the grade of the Superintendent against the vacancies arising out of the cascading effect of the Cadre Restructuring and fixation of single unified date for reckoning of seniority in the grade of Superintendent:- The DPC has not been conducted in Central Excise, Mumbai Zone.  The DPC for the promotion of Inspector to the grade of the Superintendent has already been conducted in almost all the zones of Central Excise. Hence, Association may persuade local Administration and:-

                                I.            the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities to conduct the DPC on priority basis and without further delay.
                              II.            to protect the seniority in the grade of the Superintendents, of those Inspectors, who have been badly affected due to these inordinate delays.

2.  Control Room Duty:- In a few months, approx. 400 Inspectors were promoted as Superintendent and approx. 200 Inspectors have gone in ICT. There is acute shortage of Inspectors in the Commissionerate (i.e. approx. 900 inspectors in 22 Commissionerate). In last 10 to 12 years, it is a fact that neither armoury not any other sensitive issue is being dealt by the control room officer (CRO). The CRO only receive Senior most Officers and attend the some phone calls regarding miscellaneous enquiry etc. In fact, it is not dignified for a Inspector level executive officer to perform such a unwarranted, disregardful, wasteful & meaningless duty. Therefore, evidently, it  is only wastage of man power by deputing Inspector(an executive cadre officer) as CRO, whereas the hawaldar/Sepoy are enough for control room duty and  in case of  any difficulty/emergency, P.R.O can co-ordinate/manage the situation. There is also precedence in Hyderabad Central Excise Commissionerate, where recently, Control Room duty for inspector has been spared by the Administration.  Hence, Association may take strong initiative and persuade local Administration to discontinue the control room duty of the Inspectors.
3.  Inordinate delay in settlement of LTC/HTC, Medical etc claims: Time and again it is seen that LTC/HTC, Medical etc claims presented by an officer is kept pending without any valid reasons and no communication made to the claimant giving any reasons/discrepancy in the claim, on the pretext of high pendency of other works by A.O/ministerial staff in Accounts section. Hence, strict guideline may be issued for clearance of bill & the time limit of maximum pendency of such claims and effective implementation of it. Any deviation or negligence by competent staff in this regard may be dealt seriously by Head of the Office.
4.   Accommodation for newly joined Inspector:- It has been noticed that when a newly inducted Inspector join the department, accommodation remains the major pressing problem for him/her till he/she get a regular department accommodation, which is also not sure in current circumstances,  Hence, Association may persuade local Administration to arrange Transit Hostel for newly inducted Inspectors in department, as it a recurring issue emerges each time, when a new batch of inspector join the department. The administration may also be persuade for up gradation of deptt Quarters/dilapidated Buildings,  on priority, especially in Antop Hill quarters. New accommodation facility may also be provided in central & western region.
5.  Appointment of TA & MTS: There is a shortage of TA & MTS staff in Range, Division & Hqrs offices. Inspectors are compelled to do all the works. They are in over work load & acute mental pressure. Therefore appointment of TA & MTS staff required to overcome the work load & mental pressure of Inspectors.
                                                                                                    (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                                        General Secretary
                                                                                                   AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Submitted to,
1. The Principal Chief Commissioner, Central Excise and Service Tax Zone, Mumbai for information and necessary action.
2.  The Commissioner, Central Excise, Mumbai-I for information and necessary action.
3.  The Additional Commissioner, Central Excise and Service Tax Zone, Mumbai for information and necessary action.
4.   President / Secretary General/ Organising Secretary of AICEIA.
                                                                                                           (ABHISHEK SINGH)
                                                                                                        General Secretary
                                                                                                     AICEIA, Mumbai Circle

Copy to : Notice Board/ Blog/ FB page/ Website.

Saturday, 18 April 2015


     All India Central Excise Inspectors Association, Mumbai Circle, is thankful to the Administration for formulating the Transfer & Posting policy before issuance of the IZT/ICT for the year 2015. The detailed policy is as under :- 

                                                                                      F.No. II/3-7/Admn/CCO/MCX-I/2015/1267
                                                                                     Mumbai, the  10th April, 2015.
The Commissioner,
Central Excise,
Appeals-I/II/CX-Audit-I/II/LTU/LTU-Audit, Mumbai.

The Commissioner,
Service Tax-I/II/III/IV/V/VI/VII/
Appeals-I/II/Audit-I/II/III, Mumbai.

The Commissioner,
Central Excise,
Audit-I/II/Appeals-I/II-Pune/S.Tax, Pune/ Audit (ST) Pune/Appeal-ST, Pune
Nashik-I/II/Aurangabad/Wardha/Audit-II, Nagpur.

           Sub:- Modified Transfer/Placement Policy Guidelines, 2015  for
Group ‘B’ Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Executive Officers in
the Mumbai Central Excise Cadre – reg.

The Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-I & Zone-II has approved a Modified Transfer/Placement Policy Guidelines, 2015  for Group ‘B’ Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Executive Officers in the Mumbai Central Excise Cadre.  A copy of the same is enclosed in Annexure for record and guidance.  The said policy guidelines have also been uploaded in the Central Excise Mumbai-I official

2.       The Chief Commissioner desires that the guidelines prescribed therein may be implemented strictly and expeditiously.

3.       Difficulties faced, if any, in the implementation of the same may please be bought to the notice of this office.
      Yours faithfully,


Copy to :-
1. Chief Commissioner, Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-II, Pune Zone/Nagpur Zone, for information please.
2. Addl. Commissioner (CCO), S.Tax Zone, Mumbai.
3. The General Secretary, Central Excise Superintendents Association, Mumbai.
4. The General Secretary, Central Excise Inspectors Association, Mumbai.
5. Notice Board.

Modified Transfer/Placement Policy Guidelines, 2015
for Group ‘B’ Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Executive Officers
in the Mumbai Central Excise Cadre.

1.           APPLICABILITY

1.1  The Mumbai Central Excise Cadre Control covers the geographical area and posts under the jurisdiction of the Central Excise Zones-I and II, Mumbai (including Large Taxpayer Unit (LTU)/ LTU Audit), Service Tax Zone, Mumbai, Pune Zone, Central Excise Commissionerates of Nasik and Aurangabad, of Nagpur Zone, and the Audit-II Commissionerate of Nagpur Zone.

        1.2  The guidelines contained in this policy apply, in toto, to the officers posted in all the Commissionerates of Central Excise Zone-I (including Large Taxpayer Unit (LTU)/ LTU Audit), Mumbai, Mumbai Zone – II and Service Tax Zone, Mumbai.  It also applies to officers of the above said cadre and posted in all the Commissionerates of Pune Zone, the Central Excise Commissionerates of Aurangabad and Nasik in Nagpur Zone, and Audit-II Commissionerate of Nagpur Zone, in so far as it relates to them as explained herein.

        1.3  This policy also applies to the officers posted to Directorate General of Service Tax Mumbai, TAR Mumbai, Appeals (Central Excise and Service Tax) and Marine &Preventive Wing of Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate, Mumbai.

        1.4   This policy also seeks to manage/facilitate placement of officers of the cadre controlling zone on deputation/transfer on loan basis to various other Directorates and formations of CBEC such as DRI, DGCEI, DG Valuation, DG Audit, NACEN etc in Mumbai.

        1.5   The instructions contained in this policy will supersede all the guidelines issued in the past, in so far as it relates to transfer and posting of officers in the cadre of Grp. ‘B’ Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Executive Officers.

        1.6   This policy will be subject to the instructions/guidelines issued/to be issued from time to time by the CBEC and the Department of Personnel, Government of.India.

        2.    AIMS OF THE POLICY

        2.1   The aim of this transfer and posting policy is to lay down standard norms with a view to provide objectivity and transparency in posting and transfers of officers and to improve efficiency of administration.

        2.2   The policy also seeks to ensure that subject to administrative exigencies the guidelines issued by the Government with reference to the special requirements of women officers and also to ensure that compassionate cases are treated deservingly.

          3.    GENERAL GUIDELINES

      3.1 The Cadre Controlling Authority in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted and Non-
Gazetted Executive Officers in the Mumbai Central Excise Cadre is the Principal Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-I.

        3.2   All transfers and postings of officers from one Zone to another Zone within the Mumbai Central Excise Cadre Control, and to LTU/LTU (Audit) shall be affected only with the approval of the Zonal Chief Commissioner.

        3.3  The annual Inter-Zonal Transfer (IZT) shall be done by the Principal Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-I. The IZT should normally be completed by the 30th of April every year.

        3.4   Transfers and Posting of officers to the Commissionerates within each Zone ofMumbai Central Excise Cadre Control shall be done by the Principal Chief Commissioner/Chief Commissioner of the respective Zone. The annual Inter Commissionerate Transfer (ICT) should normally be completed by the 30th of May every year. 

        3.5   For the sole purpose of this policy, the geographical area under the jurisdiction of Mumbai CX Zones-I and II, and Service Tax Zone, Mumbai, shall he treated as a single station, i.e., Mumbai.

       3.6  Subject to administrative exigencies and with the exception of cases oncompassionate grounds, officers on promotion shall, ordinarily be transferred out of the Commissionerates in which they are working at the time of promotion.

       3.7    The Establishment Branch of the Cadre Controlling Cell in the office of the Principal Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Zone-I, Mumbai shall ensure that the database containing the profiles/history of posting of all officers is maintained and regularly updated.

       3.8   Whenever vacancies exist in a particular cadre under Mumbai Central Excise Cadre Control, these vacancies will be apportioned to each Zone/Commissionerate and other offices of CBEC as well as M&P and LTU within the Cadre Control on a pro-rata basis, and postings of officers to each Zone/Commissionerate and other offices will be made accordingly.
       4.1  The provisions of this clause apply to the officers working in Mumbai Central Excise, Zones-I and II, and Service Tax Zone, Mumbai.
       4.2  The tenure of an officer in a Central Excise/Service Tax Zone will be for a period of 5 years.
       4.3 An officer who has completed his tenure in a Central Excise Zone will then be transferred to the Service Tax Zone, and vice-versa. On transfer from the Service Tax Zone the officer subject to administrative exigencies will be transferred to his parent Zone.


       5.1   Inter-Commissionerate Transfer (ICT) of officers should be effected annually in Mumbai Central Excise Zones-I and II, and Service Tax Zone by the respective Chief Commissioners of the Zones. In the ICT, an officer can be transferred to any Commissionerate within that Zone.

       5.2    In view of the Department moving towards an Audit-based control, the normal tenure of an officer posted to any Audit Commissionerate (LTU-Audit, Central Excise-Audit & Service Tax-Audit) shall be three years, subject to administrative exigencies.

       5.3    The normal tenure of an officer in the Commissionerate shall be three years. An officer may also be transferred to another Zone before completion of tenure in a Commissionerate if the Zonal tenure is being completed.


       6.1 While computing the afore-said tenure and for period of cumulative stay in a Zone/Commissionerate the tenure of service by an officer in the cadres of Gr. B Gazetted and Non-Gazetted in a Zone/Commissionerate at a stretch in one cadre shall be considered.

       6.2     While computing the afore-said tenure at a stretch in one cadre, the tenure will be counted irrespective of the present and erstwhile formations of Service Tax.

       6.3 While computing the afore-said tenure and/or period of cumulative stay in a Zone/Commissionerate the tenure of service of an officer in M & P Wing of the Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate/Deputation and other posting on loan basis shall not be counted.

       6.4     While computing the aforesaid tenure and/or period of cumulative stay in a Zone/Commissionerate, the period served under suspension, if any, by the officer shall not be counted.

7.1  The cadre-control cell of the Cadre Controlling Authority will maintain a common seniority list consisting of all officers of Mumbai Central Excise Cadre Control (excluding officers posted in Pune Zone and Nagpur Zone), separately for Superintendents and Inspectors, for the purpose of posting to LTU/LTU Audit, Mumbai. The subject Roster/Seniority List shall be circulated to all the Commissionerates every quarter.

7.2  Officers will be posted to LTU/LTU-Audit based on their seniority in this list, irrespective of where they are posted when they are due for transfer to LTU/LTU Audit. However, officers working in M&P and Pune postings will be posted only after completion of their tenure. 

       7.3  Postings in LTU/ LTU-Audit, Mumbai, will not be treated as a posting in any of the Central Excise Zones in Mumbai, or Service Tax Zone. The tenure in LTU/LTU Audit will therefore not be counted towards tenure in any other Zone.

       7.4   The tenure of posting of officers to LTU shall be two years and LTU-Audit shall be three years. While computing the afore-said tenure leave period in excess of total of 60 days (excluding CL) during the period of service in LTU shall not be counted.

       7.5   An officer who was posted to LTU/LTU Audit from a Central Excise Zone should, after completion of tenure in LTU/LTU-Audit, be posted to the Service Tax Zone, and vice-versa.

       7.6    Officers in the grade of Superintendent shall be selected for posting to LTU by applying the following criteria sequentially:-
i. Superintendents who have not worked in LTU in the grade of Inspector or Superintendent shall be posted to LTU.
ii. In case sufficient number of Superintendents is not available as at (i) above, the Superintendents who have already worked as Inspectors in LTU for periods upto one year shall be considered.
iii. In case of sufficient number of Superintendents is not available in terms of (i) & (ii) above the Superintendents who have worked in LTU in the past for periods upto one year whether as Inspector or Superintendent, separately or together shall be posted to LTU.
iv. Tenure of posting of all such officers posted in terms of (ii) and (iii) above shall also be two years treating the posting as a fresh posting.

7.7  The officers in the grade of Inspector with minimum service of three years in the grade alone shall be considered for posting to LTU.

7.8  Notwithstanding the guidelines as above, officers on promotion may be considered for transfer and posting to LTU in terms of the guidelines detailed in clause 9 hereunder.

7.9  Officers working in LTU/LTU Audit will not be transferred to M&P Wing during their tenure in LTU/LTU Audit. However, on completion of their tenure in LTU/LTU Audit, they may be posted to M&P Wing as per their seniority in the roster.


8.1  The cadre-control cell of the Cadre Controlling Authority will maintain a common seniority list consisting of all officers of Mumbai Central Excise Cadre Control (excluding officers posted in Pune Zone and Nagpur Zone), separately for Superintendents and Inspectors, for the purpose of posting to M&P Wing of Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate, Mumbai. The Seniority List will be communicated to all the Commissionerates every quarter.

8.2  Officers will be posted to M&P Wing based on their seniority in this list, irrespective of where they are posted when they are due for transfer to M&P Wing. However, officers working in LTU/LTU-Audit when they become due for posting to M&P Wing will be posted only after completion of their tenure in LTU/LTU Audit. 

8.3  Postings to M&P Wing will be issued by the Cadre Controlling Authority. 

8.4  The tenure of posting in M&P Wing shall be for a period of two years.

8.5  While computing the afore-said tenure in M&P Wing, the period of total leave (other than C.L.) in excess of 60 days shall not be counted.

8.6  The upper age limit for posting of Superintendents to M&P Wing shall be 57 years at the time of selection.

8.7  The officers in the grade of Superintendent shall be selected for posting to M&P Wing by applying the following criteria sequentially:-
(i)           Officers who have not worked in M&P Wing in the grade of Inspector or Superintendent shall be posted to M&P.
(ii)          In case sufficient number of officers is not available as above at (i), officers who have already worked for period less than one year in M&P Wing shall be posted.
(iii)         In case sufficient number of -officers are not available as above at (i) and (ii), officers who have already worked as Inspectors in M&P Wing for a period of upto one year shall be posted.

8.8   The number of lady officers posted at any given point of time to M&P Wing shall not exceed 1/3rdof the total officers posted to M&P Wing at that point of time.

8.9  Keeping in view the nature of work in M&P Wing, no officer recruited against the quota of physically challenged persons shall be posted, unless such officer has expressed his/her willingness in writing.

8.10   Officers against whom vigilance cases involving impingement of integrity shall not be posted to M&P. However, there shall not be any bar on the posting of officers to M&P Wing if the proceedings initiated against an officer are in the nature of administrative action without any allegations on their integrity. At the time of posting of such officers to M&P Wing, the Commissioner of Customs (Prev.) Mumbai may be informed of- the fact of pending vigilance enquiry.

8.11  On repatriation from M&P Wing, officers will as far as possible, be posted to the same Zone from which they were posted to M&P Wing.


       9.1The officers working in a Commissionerate on promotion from Group ‘B’ Non‑Gazetted to Gazetted cadre shall, normally, be transferred out of the Commissionerate.

      9.2   If the vacancies in the post of Superintendent necessitate that officers are posted out of Mumbai on promotion to Superintendent, they will be posted out to Pune Zone or to Nasik/Aurangabad/Nagpur-II Audit Commissionerate.

      9.3 For the purposes of selecting officers, on promotion being posted to the Zones outside Mumbai, a separate roster containing the names of all the officers promoted shall be maintained and the junior-most officers in the said roster will be posted outside Mumbai by the Cadre Controlling Authority.

      9.4  The minimum tenure of an officer posted from Mumbai Central Excise Zone-I/II or Service Tax Zone to Pune Zone or Nasik/Aurangabad/Nagpur-II Audit Commissionerate shall be one year.

      9.5While computing the afore-said tenure of one year the period of total leave (other than C.L.) in excess of 30 days shall not be counted towards tenure.

       9.6 An officer who has not been transferred out of Mumbai as above on account of any grounds shall continue to remain in the list of officers due for transfer out of Mumbai, in the roster and will be considered for transfer out as and when those grounds no more exist.

       9.7   On repatriation of such officers who have completed the specified tenure or in case of those officers who are repatriated prematurely, the next junior in the roster, irrespective of the fact that he had been promoted in an earlier order, shall be transferred out to the Zones out of Mumbai.

       9.8   On repatriation officers shall normally be posted back to the Zone from which they were transferred out of Mumbai.


       10.1  Cadre clearance for deputation to offices under the CBEC/outside organizations shall be  through Cadre Controlling Authority. Requests for extension in tenure (One year) on deputation will be decided by the Chief Commissioner of the Zone.

       10.2  The officers on repatriation from the deputation posts shall report tothe Principal Chief Commissioner’s Office, (Cadre Controlling Authority).


       11.1    Subject to administrative exigencies and the approval of the Zonal Chief Commissioner, the tenure of an officer in a post categorized as sensitive shall not, ordinarily exceed a period of two years. 

       11.2    Officers shall, as far as possible, be rotated between posts categorized as sensitive and non-sensitive. However, in case sufficient number of officers are not available due to administrative/vigilance reasons, for being posted to sensitive charges, officers may be considered for being posted from one sensitive charge to another sensitive charge with the approval of Zonal Chief Commissioner.

       11.3 Officers should be rotated between the Headquarters/Division/Ranges so that all officers have the experience of working in the field/headquarters within a Commissionerate.

       12.    MISCELLANEOUS

       12.1    Officers having, less than two years of service before retirement on superannuation may be considered, as far as possible, for being posted to a Commissionerate near to residence subject to administrative exigencies.

       12.2    In the case of requests for retention in a particular station/formation within the Zone on the ground that his/her child is studying in Class-X or Class-XII, the Principal Chief Commissioner may consider such requests subject to administrative exigencies only if the officer is considered for posting outside Mumbai.

     12.3 Notwithstanding, anything contained in this policy, Cadre Controlling Chief Commissioner, the Zonal/Jurisdictional Chief Commissioner or Commissioner may, if necessary in public interest and/or in view of administrative exigencies, transfer and post any officer to any post within his competency.

12.4 No government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his/her interest in respect of matters pertaining to his/her transfer or posting. Violation of above provisions amounts to misconduct as per the CCS (Conduct) Rules and the Government servant shall be liable to be proceeded against accordingly.

12.5    All grievances arising out of the implementation of this policy may be addressed to the Cadre Controlling Authority.